Pertex Quantum
Pertex Quantum is a tightly woven yarn among one of the lightest, high-performance fabrics on the market: a lightweight soft fabric, that even though is very lightweight, allows for a high level of insulation and abrasion resistance.
Made with incredibly fine yarns, Pertex Quantum fabrics were designed to improve the efficiency of insulation and breathability.
A durable water repellent (DWR) finish sheds light rain and snow to provide additional weather protection.
Sistema constructivo en capas adoptado para zonas de alta sudoración: permite una transpiración óptima favoreciendo la salida de la humedad. La capa exterior está hecha de material repelente al agua mientras que el acolchado Primaloft es aislante.
Primaloft Insulation Thermoplume
Un tejido repelente al agua y térmico elaborado con una fibra sedosa que proporciona un aislamiento de relleno suelto.